SENIORS: If you haven't made corrections to your resume' and cover letter, do so now; my email is overloaded with assignments that aren't being resolved. Once those things are finished, in your notebook, work on the Personal Statement essay; besides the questions that are on the website, answer the following: Are there things you know now that you wish someone had talked to you about before you embarked on your high school journey? Is there anything you would change if you could go back and do things differently? Is there a treasured memory or experience you have that you would like to share? Or a special thanks to anyone who helped you make your way in high school?
SOPHOMORES: In your notebook, respond to following: What tone or attitude are you going to take with your topic? How will that tone help you get your point across to your audience? Title your response TONE. We continued gathering information for the Argument Process Piece. You should have a T-Chart, listing the pros and cons of your topic, along with the names of your websites so you can later create a Works Cited page.
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