Tuesday, November 18, 2014


SENIORS: I know you've probably "hit a wall" with your writing, but you must persevere.  I've looked at a lot of advice from professional writers, and the one piece of advice that keeps coming up is to take your characters somewhere else, or put them in a different time of their lives.  It doesn't have to have anything to do with the plot that you have established.  The purpose is to shake things up in your mind now so that you can continue with your novel later.

Remember to always do two things every time you write: 1) Share what you've written with me on Google Docs, and 2) Copy and paste what you've written into Nano's word validator box.

SOPHOMORES: Many of you are using information from websites.  Click on this link for examples of how to write in-text citations from the internet.  For all other examples, go to the November 7 blog and click on the link.

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