WELCOME BACK! I hope your Thanksgiving Break was restful and productive; mine certainly was.
SENIORS: As it is December 1st, Nanowrimo is officially over. Congratulations to those of you who completed your word count. Now we move on into making your novel better through revision and editing. For this entire week, two other students from class will be looking at your novel (as you will be looking over theirs), making suggestions and noticing things that need fixing, clarification, or elaboration. Your goal today (or tonight as the case may be) to prepare your novel for the eyes of others. If there is a part of your novel that you would prefer that others not see (i.e., graphic nature or too personal), then print out your novel and delete the parts you don't want to share. Bring that hard copy to class tomorrow.
SOPHOMORES: We're beginning a new unit: Drama. We will be doing a Readers Theatre presentation of the play 12 Angry Men as well as watching a video version. In order for you to understand the playwright's message, you should have some knowledge of what is involved with our justice system. There is a handout you need to fill out. I cannot create a link for it, so see me ASAP for your copy.
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