Tuesday, February 10, 2015


SENIORS: Work continued on the TV script pilot.  Make sure you share your email addresses with the other members of your group so that you can work on the script outside of class.

SOPHOMORES: Sometimes you can figure out the meaning of a word if you look at the context surrounding the word and if you know something about the person who is using the word.  Yesterday, we learned a lot about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; today, we're going to apply that knowledge to figure out word meanings.  First, click on this link for the words; then, make lists (or groupings) of the words, based on what you know about Dr. King.  For example, Dr. King was a preacher; look over all the words that have a religious connection, then list them under the title RELIGIOUS.  There could be words that could be put in more than one category; there could be words that don't connect directly with Dr. King, but could go together in some other category.  The key concept is to see relationships and connections between words.  Put all of your work in your notebook under the title MLK Word Categories. 

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