Friday, April 10, 2015


SENIORS: The rough draft of the outline with pictures will be due at the end of the period on Monday, April 13.  Start thinking about how you want to build your book: will you be using what I supply in class or will you be bringing in some supplies of your own?  Remember, you do not need to spend any money to create your children's picture book.  I showed examples of excellent books created from construction paper, printer paper, glue, and pencils and markers that I can supply for you.  The due date for the completed book is Friday, May 1.

SOPHOMORES: There are still some debates that need to be presented, so we will be shifting back and forth between two units: the Debate Unit and the Nature of Man Unit.  Depending on how many debates were seen today (Friday), you may or may not have seen the video titled The Hangman.  If you didn't see it today, you will see it on Monday.  Click on the image above for the video; click on this link for the questions to answer in your notebook under the title Hangman Questions.

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