Wednesday, February 29, 2012

SENIORS: Today we begin a change in focus, now that your rough draft is done.  Start working on collecting/creating your illustrations as these will impact what you decide to keep for your final draft.

SOPHOMORES: Today's CAHSEE warm-up is called Gorman Productions Welcome Packet.  The rough draft of your 5 paragraph essay on "War" is due today.  You can still work on it at home tonight, just make sure you share it with me through Googledocs.

Monday, February 27, 2012

SENIORS: Keep plugging away at the rough draft for your children's book; it needs to be done TOMORROW.

SOPHOMORES: Today's CAHSEE practice was titled Main Street Movies Employee Manual: Organizing Videos.  We also continued work on the rough draft for your 5 paragraph essay.  Wednesday is the last class day you will have to work on it; that means you need to work on it for HOMEWORK.

Friday, February 24, 2012

SENIORS: Sorry about not having a blog yesterday.  Fortunately, we aren't starting anything new; we are continuing with the rough draft of your children's book.  I am looking at notebooks today for Notebook Check #2, so get everything in there.  I will stop checking notebooks on Friday, March 2.

SOPHOMORES: Today's CAHSEE practice is titled Why I'd Like to Visit Texas.  Also, we updated our comments on Goodreads and worked the WAR 5 paragraph essay on googledocs.  Your HW is to continue writing your rough draft.  Try to complete it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

SENIORS: We're working on creating the rough draft of your children's book.  Concentrate on the text, but as you write, try to visualize what you want to have for illustrations.

SOPHOMORES:   The CAHSEE practice for today was titled Festival.  We also began working on the rough draft of your 5 paragraph essay about the short story WAR.  We concentrated on the introductory paragraph, working on summarizing the story and creating the thesis.  The homework is to finish the introductory paragraph.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

SENIORS: Today begins the rough draft of your children's book.  I recommend that you start with a strong idea of your theme.  If you don't know the theme (i.e., the moral, the message, the meaning), then get that idea solid in your head before you begin.  Theme will drive all the other elements in your story.

SOPHOMORES:  Today's CAHSEE warmup was Dances with Dolphins.  Groups presented their charts from last Thursday to class; we also worked on summarizing War and determining its theme.  Don't forget to bring your notebook and your independent reading book to class every day.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

SENIORS: Today's notebook response deals with a kid's ability to make an ordinary world magical.  As we get older, that ability gets beaten out of us.  So here's what you need to write: Pretend you've been transported to a world exactly like your own neighborhood with one crucial difference: the world is magical.  Pretend you go outside to take your first 15-minute walk in the magical world, writing down everything you see, using familiar landmarks as markers.  What is happening with the trees? the sidewalks? the street signs? etc.
     Also, we need to get started on ideas for your own children's book, so think and write about the following: Who is the protagonist?  Who is the antagonist? What is the conflict? What is the setting?  Will there be any dialogue? Do you know what the climax will be?  Most importantly, what is the theme?  If you can articulate your theme, everything else should start to fall into place.  Have this ready for Tuesday when we return from holiday.

SOPHOMORES: We finished charting literary devices for WAR.  The homework is to do a logographic for each word from the Vocabulary Warm-up handout.  The homework is due Tuesday, the day we get back from our Presidents' Day break. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SENIORS: Today's notebook response is as follows: Pretend you woke up this morning as your favorite animal.  Describe your day from the moment you arise to the time you go to bed, all from the animal's perspective (or point of view--p.o.v.)  Use all 5 of your senses.
     When you finish, pick an opposite type animal and write the same sequence of events.  By opposite I mean, if you wrote about an elephant the first time, change things up and write about an ant or a lion or some other animal that isn't big and slow.  If you wrote about a bunny the first time, try writing from an eagle's perspective or an animal that isn't cute and docile.  Again, use all 5 of your senses.

SOPHOMORES: Today's CAHSEE practice is titled Out of the Woods.  In your notebook, respond to this question: Based on characters in the story, what is Pirandello trying to tell us about human nature in times of despair? (Use the following frame to start your answer: People tend to...)  Also, the class worked in groups of 3 to chart the literary devices of Setting, Characterization, Symbolism, and Irony to determine how these literary devices reveal the theme of WAR.  We did not finish the charting, so that will be completed tomorrow.
     Don't forget that you have homework due on Tues., Feb. 21.  The homework is to create a logograph for each vocabulary word on the Vocabulary Warm-up handout.
SENIORS: "The Love of Your Life." The notebook response for today asks you look at love from two different points of view: 1) a kid's, and 2) yours.  So, on this Valentine's Day, describe the love of your life (real or just pining after).
1. Kid's p.o.v.
      a. what s/he looked like; appearance
      b. what s/he smelled like
      c. what their hair does when they run
      d. favorite possessions/gifts
      e. likes to eat
      f. what s/he does that seems illogical or eccentric
      g. favorite pastimes
      h. fast runner, good ball thrower, dancer, musician
      i. passing notes--what did you say?
2. Who you are now (same as above, but from your older, wiser, more adult perspective).

SOPHOMORES: Today's CAHSEE practice is titled The Santa Lucia Scenic Trail. Also, we concluded the chunking of WAR.  Remember, you have homework that is due Tues., Feb.21.  The homework is completing a logographic for each vocabulary word from the Vocabulary Warm-up handout.

Monday, February 13, 2012

SENIORS:  We started a new notebook response dealing with your first best friend.  Write about the following: What they looked like; what they liked to wear; what was their favorite color; what their family was like; their favorite food or treat; what the two of you did together; favorite activities; shared secrets; what did you envy or emulate about this friend; their way of walking, talking, and/or eating that set them apart.
You can make up missing entries, but I must have them by Thursday, Feb. 16.

SOPHOMORES:  The CAHSEE practice is titled Staff Responsibilities.  We also got into groups of 3 and worked on WAR, chunking, annotating, and identifying confusing words and phrases.

Friday, February 10, 2012

SENIORS: Today's notebook response is: Think of a question a child might have.  then list all the possible answers an adult could giveOnce again, be as normal or outrageous as you like, but remember your audience.  Also, I collected the notebooks for a notebook check.  Each response is worth 10 points and each book research entry is worth 5 points.

SOPHOMORES:  Today we did the CAHSEE warm up titled On the Screen; we updated our independent book responses on Goodreads; we read the short story War; and I collected the HW handouts titled Reading Warm-up and Vocabulary Warm-up.  You DO NOT need to bring your Lit. book all next week.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

SENIORS:  Here is the Character Bible for you to refer to.  Today's notebook response was: Think about something that is important to you now--music, sports, stamp collecting, Boo-Boo Bear, etc.  Describe in exhausting detail as much as you can about that hobby, activity, or item.  You can write about more than one topic.
Also, Friday, Feb.10 is the last day to bring in a photo for the 50 bonus points AND don't forget to bring your notebook so I can collect it for a notebook check.

SOPHOMORES: Today's CAHSEE practice was titled Seining Minnows.  We also worked on 2 handouts: Vocabulary Warm-up Exercises and Reading Warm-up A(B on the reverse).  Both are due on Friday, Feb.10.  ALSO, don't forget to bring your independent reading book.  You do not need your Lit. book.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sophomores: 1) CAHSEE practice titled The First Kindergarten, 2) Finish extended ending on The Interlopers, 3) Handout of Vocabulary Warm-up Exercises for our next short story, War.

Seniors: Today's notebook entry deals with the following: Think of a normal action in which a child might participate, then list all the possible things that could happen to make that situation not work or go horribly wrong.  Be as normal or outrageous as you like.  However, always remember your audience.
Also, we continued work on the Character Bible for your main protagonist.
TAKE NOTE: I will do a notebook check on Friday, Feb. 10.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sophomores: 1) CAHSEE practice titled A Word in the Hand, 2) The Interlopers Selection Test Handout, 3) Finish the partner writing assignment, creating a stronger finish to The Interlopers.

Seniors: New notebook response: Describe the bedtime routine of a child.  You determine the age.  What difficulties might exist; what might be easy? Then try writing about the morning routine.  Also, we began writing a Character Bible for the protagonist of your children's book.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sophomores: Today the class did a CAHSEE practice titled The Piano Lesson.  Also, we started a writing assignment.  Here are the parameters: 1) get a partner, 2) create a final ending to The Interlopers, 3) must be at least one page in length, 4) must have action and dialogue, and 5) must be realistic (no aliens from another planet, no magic, etc.)
Remember to bring your Lit. book on Tuesday.

Seniors: There was a new writing prompt for your notebook: Think about a time when you were a little kid.  What was important to you then? What things did you like to do?  What were your favorite toys and games?  What did your room look like?  Try writing about different ages in your life. What changes (if any) do you notice?
The class also had time to catch up on old prompts, research children's books, and get started brainstorming their own ideas for their children's book.  Don't forget, if you want the 50 bonus points, bring a photo of you as a child and share those memories with the class.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sophomores: Today some time was spent on Netbooks writing your first thoughts about the new independent book you are reading.  There is also a new handout for The Interlopers titled "Question Support."  This handout focuses on the literary devices of Conflict, Climax, and Irony.
Don't forget to bring your Lit book on Monday.

Seniors: We enjoyed a guest speaker from ITT Tech Institute.  Make sure you have your notebooks with you on Monday as we will continue working on your children's book.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The following information is from Wed., Feb.1.
Seniors: In your notebook, please write a response to the following: What kind of pets did you have?  What were your responsibilities with those pets?  Did you enjoy those responsibilities or were they chores?  Did you get along with your pets or not?  If you didn't have pets, why not?
     Also in your notebook, we continued with book analysis questions.

Sophomores: We read the short story The Interlopers, which starts on page 396 of your Literature book.  Handouts to be completed by Friday, Feb. 3 are The Anticipation Guide, The Vocabulary Study (both sides), and The Literary Analysis.  We also did a CAHSEE practice titled Pet Hospital.
Remember to bring both your Lit book and your independent reading book to class every day.

The following information is from today, Thur., Feb.2.
Seniors: In your notebook, please write a response to the following: think of your relative, neighbors, teachers, friends, and enemies.  What did they look like?  How did they speak (loud, stutter, accent)?  What kinds of things did they do?  What was unique about any of them or why do they stand out in your mind?  How did you relate to them?
     Several students have taken advantage of the 50 bonus points by sharing an old family photo with the class.  Also, we continued with the book analysis questions.

Sophomores: We did a CAHSEE practice titled Shower Radio-Warranty and Directions.  We continued to work on the handouts to be completed by Friday, Feb.3.  Please remember to bring your Lit book and your independent reading book tomorrow.