Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SENIORS: "The Love of Your Life." The notebook response for today asks you look at love from two different points of view: 1) a kid's, and 2) yours.  So, on this Valentine's Day, describe the love of your life (real or just pining after).
1. Kid's p.o.v.
      a. what s/he looked like; appearance
      b. what s/he smelled like
      c. what their hair does when they run
      d. favorite possessions/gifts
      e. likes to eat
      f. what s/he does that seems illogical or eccentric
      g. favorite pastimes
      h. fast runner, good ball thrower, dancer, musician
      i. passing notes--what did you say?
2. Who you are now (same as above, but from your older, wiser, more adult perspective).

SOPHOMORES: Today's CAHSEE practice is titled The Santa Lucia Scenic Trail. Also, we concluded the chunking of WAR.  Remember, you have homework that is due Tues., Feb.21.  The homework is completing a logographic for each vocabulary word from the Vocabulary Warm-up handout.

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