In your Notebook, under the title Einstein Quote, respond to the following: "The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm, but because of those who look at it without doing anything." Albert Einstein So, do you agree or disagree with Prof. Einstein? Why? How can this statement be applied to NIGHT?
We are finished with NIGHT, but hang on to it; you might need it to pull something to use for your Nature of Man essay. I handed out a packet of assorted opinions about the nature of man, and we worked on the first two parts: the opinion survey and an essay written by Oprah Winfrey. You will need to see ASAP for the packet.
If you have the packet and got stuck on the Stop and Jots, here is a link to the questions.
Make sure you look through your notebook at your Section work for NIGHT; make sure you highlight or underline one question AND one quote or passage. Doing this will give you something to contribute when we do the Socratic Seminar on Monday.
Lastly, see me if you missed the quiz on Sections 1-4 of NIGHT, or the quiz on Sections 5-9 of NIGHT.
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