Tuesday, January 13, 2015

PERKS Responses for Jan.12 & 13/Susan B. Anthony & Ronald Reagan Speeches

My apologies for no blog yesterday; a friend of mine had a baby! Not an excuse, just a reason. This blog will have both yesterday's and today's work on it.

SENIORS: Click on this link for yesterday's Response choices; click on this link for today's Response choices.  Also, you have one week from today to have your final project ready for presentation.  I have spoken with some of you about what you plan to do, but many of you still seem to not know what direction you are going to go.  Look on the Jan. 6 blog for the final project options and then speak with me during class about your plans.

SOPHOMORES: For the following assignments, you will need your copy of the handout "What to Look for when Analyzing a Speech"; click on this link if you can't find your copy. Yesterday we analyzed a Susan B. Anthony speech about the right for women to vote. Click on this link for a copy of that speech and print out your own copy. Annotate that speech, using the questions from the "Analyzing a Speech" handout.  Write all of your annotations on the Anthony speech and turn it in to me.

Today we did the same type of annotations on a President Ronald Reagan speech about the Challenger disaster.  Click on this link for a copy of the speech.  Follow the same directions for the Anthony speech and turn your work in to me. I recommend that you watch the speech as well; there is a copy on YouTube; search for Ronald Reagan Challenger Speech.

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