Thursday, September 6, 2012

SENIORS:  Now that you have individually written in your notebooks about what you wished you had with you on a deserted island (see yesterday's blog), we are going to work with others in the class to create a short story about several people stranded on a desert island and how they use what they have to survive.  Every person has to have at least one line of dialogue.
     Don't forget to turn in your Netbook Agreement Form by this Monday, if not sooner.

SOPHOMORES:  Today you got your textbooks from the library.  We also worked on "6 Word Memoirs."  In order to do this, write a sentence or a phrase or a series of words that tell us something about you.  Example: Every day is a new experience.  This assignment is based an Ernest Hemingway short story that goes like this: For sale, baby shoes, never worn.  If you didn't finish it in class, it is Homework and it is due at the beginning of the period on Friday.
     Don't forget to turn in your Netbook Agreement Form by this Monday, if not sooner.

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