SENIORS: Today we went to the library for textbooks. In class, we worked on a story-starter: in your notebook (title it "Shipwreck"), respond to the following: You have been in a shipwreck and are now stranded on a deserted island! What are you wishing you had with you at this very moment?
1. Choose the ONE thing you'd have with you (guitar, dog, pillow, etc.) What you choose has to be small and something you could easily carry. No technology, no make-believe things (like a genie in a bottle), no other people.
2. In one paragraph, give a strong reason why you chose that item.
Also, I passed out the Netbook agreement form; return it completely signed to by Monday, Sept. 10 for 25 points. If you turn it in after that date, you get 13 points. Since I have to have this contract signed for you to use a netbook, please do us both a favor and get the form signed and returned ASAP.
SOPHOMORES: I passed out the Netbook agreement form; return it completely signed by Monday, Sept.10 for 25 points. If you turn it in after that date, you get 13 points. Since I have to have this contract signed for you to use a netbook, please do us both a favor and get the form signed and returned ASAP.
Also, we did some work in the notebook. First, pretend you are stranded on a desert island; what is the one thing you wish you could have? It has to be something small that you can carry (like a guitar, a dog, a pillow, etc.); it cannot be anything technological or make-believe (like a genie in a bottle), nor can it be another person. After making your choice, write one paragraph explaining the why of that choice.
Remember, tomorrow we go to the library for textbooks, so bring your I.D. and your class schedule.
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