Friday, October 18, 2013

For those of you who had Netbook issues yesterday, your short story is due at the end of the period today.  
You should be starting a new Independent Reading Book.  On Goodreads, answer the following fiction questions as if you were writing a review:
What page are you on?  What made you choose this book? (Author? Subject? Book cover? It was there?) What genre does this book fit into? Would you call it an easy read, or do you have to stop and think about things? Make a prediction--what makes you say that?
If you are reading a nonfiction book, answer these questions instead: What are you learning? Why do you like this topic? Do you already know a lot about this topic or are you learning something new? Is the information presented in an interesting way--why or why not?
Monday we start a new unit: Expository Writing!

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