Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sorry about no blog yesterday--I wasn't feeling well.  

Yesterday we worked on finding the main idea.  This is an important skill because writers should have a main idea when they write; if they don't, then the reader becomes confused.  Also, having a main idea helps writers organize the information they present: what to use, what not to use, and how to effectively present that information to the reader.  You will be writing your own expository essay, so this is a skill that you will need to recognize and replicate. In order to develop this skill, you worked on some handouts; I was not able to create a link for those handouts, so see me upon your return.

Today we worked on how writers introduce ideas and the difference between topic and purpose. Get the notes from a classmate and see me so we can make arrangements to make up the work.
HOMEWORK: There was a handout that continued the concept of main idea.  It is due tomorrow.  See me for a copy if you were absent.

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