Thursday, October 10, 2013

You've been enjoying your Independent Reading Book for some time now, and, since it's near the end of the first grading period, it is time to share that book on Goodreads. 
If you already have an account, all you have to do is "friend" me at my email address ( and write a review.  Here's what you need to cover in your review:
1. Give a brief summary of the plot (no more than 4 sentences)
2. Who were the interesting characters? Why were they interesting? Why were they not interesting?
3. What was your favorite or least favorite part of the book? Why?
4. Recommend or don't recommend the book and state why.

If you don't have a Goodreads account, do this:
1. Use Firefox to go to
2. Click on create an account
3. Follow those instructions
4. Friend me (
5. Write your review using 1-4 from above.

  Once you have created that account, do the review.
Also, we did a beginning revision exercise called "But, But, But."  See me for the details.

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