Tuesday, June 9, 2015


SENIORS: I collected the notebooks for a Notebook Check; if you were absent today, be prepared to leave your notebook with me tomorrow.  Also, we started presentations of the slam poems; so far, so good! I am very happy with what is being presented (so far). We will continue with the presentations tomorrow, but we need to start right away: GET TO CLASS ON TIME.

 SOPHOMORES: You are still working on your slam poem.  I need to see your rough draft today so there will be time to discuss/change before you present.  If I do not see your rough draft, you will not be allowed to present and you will lose those points.  Print out a copy of your poem for presentation: the Netbook cart will be closed on finals day.

Friday, June 5, 2015


SENIORS: If you haven't shared your slam rough draft with me, you need to do so NOW so I can check for appropriateness.  Presentations will begin Tuesday, June 9 and continue through Wednesday, June 10

There has been a change in the Notebook Check: I will look through them on Tuesday, June 9.

SOPHOMORES: The rough draft of your slam poem is  Tuesday, June 9.  You can share it sooner if you want.  All I will be looking for is classroom appropriateness of wording and subject matter.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


SENIORS: The rough draft of your slam poem is due tomorrow.  Don't worry if you don't have all the requirements; my main concern is checking for appropriate subject matter.

SOPHOMORES: We watched a 60 Minutes interview of Eminem; pay close attention to the section in which he demonstrates how he "bends" words to get them to rhyme.  

Monday, June 1, 2015


SENIORS: We went over the examples of Love Poem Medley and The Shooter.  You had the rest of the period to work on your poem.  Due: Rough draft on Thursday, June 4; Final draft presentation to class, Tuesday, June 9.

Also, we are scheduled to go to the library for textbook return on Monday, June 8.  Bring all of your textbooks from all of your classes, unless you need them for a final.

SOPHOMORES: I handed out a Poetry Terms sheet; on it are the definitions of the different poetry elements you might choose for your slam poem. The assignment is to look up each term and provide an example in the space provided. Click on this link for a list of the terms. You can print out the list to turn in or wait to get a copy from me upon your return to class.

Friday, May 29, 2015


SENIORS: I collected Love Poem Medley and The Shooter.  We'll go over the answers on Monday.  At this point, you should be working on your slam poem for presentation on June 9.  I will need to see your poem before you present for appropriateness; if I don't see your poem ahead of time, you will not be allowed to present it to class and you will lose those points.

SOPHOMORES: We finished Louder Than a Bomb.  Make sure you fill out the front part of the handout that is associated with LTaB. If you were absent, the entire documentary is on Netflix; the individual poem presentations are available on YouTube.

Thursday, May 28, 2015


SENIORS: Your work on Love Poem Medley and The Shooter is due tomorrow, Friday, May 29.  Start working on your slam poem; use the handout called Slam Poetry Writing Advice.  Your ready-to-present poem is due Tuesday, June 9.

SOPHOMORES: We began the Poetry unit today by watching the documentary Louder Than a Bomb, which we will finish tomorrow. There is a Poetry Packet that you will need to get from me upon your return to class. If you miss seeing the documentary, it is available on Netflix.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


SENIORS: As I was scoring the work on Love Poem Medley, I noticed that about half of the things I was asking for were missing. So, I returned the work with the following instructions: Look at the slam poem rubric (it's on the back of The Shooter); every poetic technique that I'm asking to see in your slam poem, you should identify in Love Poem Medley. If a technique isn't present, then make a note of that. Turn in the work as soon as you complete it.

SOPHOMORES: Your Nature of Man essay was due at the end of the period today. Of course, you can still turn it in late, but you'll lose one grade.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


SENIORS: You have 3 things to work on: 1) Annotating Love Poem Medley, 2) Annotating The Shooter and answering the questions, and 3) Working on your slam poem. The due date for Love Poem Medley and The Shooter is Wednesday, May 27.

SOPHOMORES: Continue your work on your Nature of Man essay. Make sure you check past blogs for MLA format. Due date for the essay is Wednesday, May 27.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


SENIORS: I went over the rubric for your final, which is to create and present a slam poem of your own.  Click on this link for the rubric. Before you start writing your own slam poem, you need to see how slam poems can be constructed.  Click on this link for a transcript of Love Poem Medley by Rudy Fransisco.  Annotate the poem for the same things you will need to have for your final slam poem (see rubric). Another slam poem that you will need to analyze is The Shooter by Lamar Jorden. Click on this link for that assignment. It would be helpful for you to see these poets in action. See the links above, or, if they don't work, you can find them on YouTube.

SOPHOMORES: I passed out a handout with examples of in-text citations (click on this link) and Works Cited format (click on this link). There is also some advice if you have problems with EasyBib (click on this link). Lastly, as you worked on your essay, I started a Notebook Check.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


SENIORS: Found poems were presented to the class for extra credit; then, in your notebook, under the title T-Chart, find perfect and slant rhymes for BROWN, TOPIC, and WONDER.

SOPHOMORES: You were given class time to work on your Nature of Man Synthesis Essay.

Monday, May 18, 2015


SENIORS: We started with a word game; we'll play it again on Thursday, and you can catch up.  Next, there was a handout of poetry terms for you find examples; upon your return to class, ask for the poetry terms handout. Finally, you got started on a found poem to be presented to class on Wednesday.  I will give you the handout for that upon your return to class.

SOPHOMORES: I handed out the Nature of Man Essay Prompt; click on this link if you want to read it, but you'll eventually need a hard copy as there is some advice on the back of the handout.  Also, I went over some examples of past essays so you could see what is meant by a "synthesis" essay. You can look at these examples upon your return to class.  For a reminder of what the MLA format looks like, go to the Sept.19 blog and click on the second link.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


SENIORS: We watched the 60 Minutes interview of Eminem.  In it, he discusses what he uses for inspiration and how he creates his rhymes.  I can't create a link for that interview, but you can find it on YouTube if you Google Eminem 60 Minutes interview.  The rest of the class period was used to catch up on work to turn in: Poetry Packet, Alliteration Packet, Children's Book.

 SOPHOMORES: We watched a Philip Zimbardo TedTalk.  Click on the link above to watch (warning: since his topic is about how good people can turn bad, there are some graphic photos); click on this link for the questions you'll need to answer in your notebook under the title Philip Zimbardo.  Also, we read the segment called Columbine Teens Found Validation in Reprogrammed Hi-Tech Games in the Nature of Man packet.  Click on this link and put your answers to the questions in your notebook under the title Columbine Teens.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


SENIORS: We read a chapter from the book Poemcrazy; the chapter was titled Full Moon Me.  In it is an exercise in which you answer several short questions and then create a poem based on the answers to those questions.  See me upon your return for a copy of the chapter.  The poem you create will go in your notebook under the title Full Moon Me.

SOPHOMORES:  Today the focus was on Thomas Hobbes.  In your Nature of Man packet, read Hobbes' Man is Evil and Warlike.  Then click on this link and follow the directions.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


SENIORS: I assigned the Look Around poem (the last poem in the Poetry packet).  The idea of the Look Around poem is to do just that: look around your immediate area and create a short poem.  As you can see by the example, it doesn't have to rhyme. Write your poem in your notebook under the title Look Around.  Also, I handed out a new packet, the Alliteration packet. See me for your copy when you return to class.

SOPHOMORES: We dissected the short piece from John Locke titled  Man is Rational and then looked at the lyrics of Pieces of You by Jewel.  Answer the questions to Pieces of You in your notebook, using that same title.  You will find both writings in the Nature of Man packet.

Monday, May 11, 2015


SENIORS: Turn to the page in your Poetry Packet that has 3 untitled poems on it.  Read each poem, then decide what the poem is about.  Circle all the words that clued you in to the subject matter.  On the next page you'll see 2 examples of limericks.  Limericks tell a story (usually comic) in 5 lines with a certain beat. The first line tells us either the name of the main character or where the main character is from.  Write your own limerick in the space to the right of the examples.

Children's book: Today was the last day to turn in your children's book without a loss of grade.  Now you have until next Monday to turn in your book, but you will loose one grade.

SOPHOMORES: Read Man is Innately Aggressive by Robert Ardrey in your Nature of Man packet.  Click on this link for the directions for what to do after you read the article.

Friday, May 8, 2015


SENIORS: All work is to be done in your Poetry Packet. First, look at the page titled Definitions of Poetry.  Read each statement, circle the number of each statement you agree with, and write the WHY underneath each statement you chose; if there is no room underneath the statement, use the blank space at the bottom of the page.  Then, look at the page titled Emotion List and follow the directions.
For those of you who haven't turned in your children's book, it is due Monday without penalty. After Monday, you lose a grade.

SOPHOMORES: We listened to a TedTalk by Samantha Power; click on the above link to watch. Then, click on this link for some questions and put your answers in your notebook under the title Samantha Power.  Make sure you imbed the question in your answer.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


SENIORS: You started off in groups, discussing the veracity of the comments on this link. Since you weren't present for this, put your thoughts in your notebook under the title Poetry I.Q. Test.  Then, open your Louder Than a Bomb packet to the page titled The Purpose of Poetry. Look at the questions and write your answers underneath after reading the article on this link.

SOPHOMORES: You started by writing in your notebook (under the title Morals) and responding to the following: What does it mean to have morals? Do you consider yourself to be a moral person? Explain with an example; I expect to see at least a paragraph.  That was followed by working on the Guilt Graph in your Nature of Man packet. Make sure you follow all of the directions.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


SENIORS: Don't forget to bring the Louder Than a Bomb packet with you to class.

SOPHOMORES:  Don't forget to bring your notebook and your Nature of Man packet with you to class.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


SENIORS: We started the new unit, Poetry, with a viewing of the documentary Louder Than a Bomb.  This will be the style of poetry that you will present for your final. There is a packet that you need to get from me.  If you're not going to be present for a while, you can view the documentary on Netflix and click on this link for what you need to do while you watch.

SOPHOMORES: Either you took the CST today or you will take it tomorrow; either way, good luck! Bring a book so you have something quiet to do if you finish the test early.

Monday, May 4, 2015


SENIORS: Your completed children's book is due today; tomorrow we will begin the Poetry unit. However, I noticed that some of you have the makings for a good children's book, but you haven't finished it. Keep working on it as homework, and you can turn it in next Monday with no reduction in the grade.

SOPHOMORES: We read The Prince from the the Nature of Man packet.  In your notebook, under the title The Prince, answer the six questions at the bottom of the page.  Write your answers in complete sentences, embedding the question within your answer and always explaining WHY or HOW you arrived at your answer.

Friday, May 1, 2015


SENIORS: Your children's book is due on Monday at the end of the period.

SOPHOMORES: Read Man is a Product of His Environment by B.F. Skinner (you will find it in your Nature of Man packet). Click on this link for the responses you'll need to write in your notebook under the title B.F. Skinner.  You'll notice that the first set of questions are for group work, so if you can't find the answer to your questions on your own, see me at the beginning of class upon your return.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


SENIORS: It would be a good idea to check your book for grammar and spelling at this point.

SOPHOMORES: You read The Tragic Myth of Cassandra from the Nature of Man packet.  In your notebook, under the title Cassandra, answer the questions on this link.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


SENIORS: Since I was absent yesterday (flat tire) and the sub did not know how to open the Netbook cart, I am extending the due date of your completed children's book to Monday, May 4.

SOPHOMORES: You received a Nature of Man packet; in it is a variety of short readings, surveys, song lyrics, articles, etc. that should stimulate your thinking as you create your own philosophy on the nature of man.  Within the packet, we worked on Human Nature:Opinion Survey and What I Know for Sure.  In your notebook, under the title What I Know for Sure, answer the following questions:
1. What does Oprah mean when she says, "I've got on gospel music to both open and steel myself for the journey ahead"?
2. Why is it important to "pay attention"?
3. Oprah writes, "...for language is an obstacle to describing [the holocaust]." How can that be? Don't we use language to describe things?
4. What do you think is Oprah's opinion on the nature of man?

Monday, April 27, 2015


SENIORS: Continue working on your children's book; it is due this Friday.

SOPHOMORES: It was a busy day today.  First, in your notebook, under the title Genocide, respond to the following question: How can a cultured people allow genocide?  Then, to prepare you for tomorrow's Socratic Seminar, write all of the questions you created while doing the section work for NIGHT.  Write those questions down on a separate sheet of paper.  Also, look at the quotes you wrote down; these might useful to bring up for the Socratic Seminar.  I will have other questions you might want to discuss displayed on the Promethian Board; click on this link if you would like to see those questions in advance. While you did this, I collected the Vocab Sheet on Sections 4-9. Then, you took a test (don't panic, this one is fun) to find out how Machiavellian you are.  Click on this link to take the test.  Finally, for homework, finish the AFTER section on the handout titled AVID Before and After Reflection (you wrote on the first half before reading NIGHT, now you're finishing it).  I will collect that handout first-thing tomorrow.

Friday, April 24, 2015


SENIORS: I finished the Notebook Check today; continue with the process of creating your children's book as it is due next Friday.

SOPHOMORES: I finished the Notebook Check today; continue with NIGHT and have it finished, along with the second vocabulary sheet, by Monday.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


SENIORS: Continue to work on the final creation of your children's book. You have the rest of this week and all of next week to finish, so make it look good.  Click on this link for the children's book rubric.

SOPHOMORES: In your notebook, under the title Stranger than Fiction, respond to the following prompt: "Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction has to be believable but truth does not."--Mark Twain

What does Mark Twain mean by this statement?  How does it apply to NIGHT?

Remember to bring your notebook tomorrow as I will be doing a Notebook Check. 


Monday, April 20, 2015


SENIORS: Today you got into groups and received some feedback on your children's book from your colleagues.  In your notebook, under the title Best Advice, write down the best piece of advice you received from your colleagues. I will be doing a Notebook check this Thursday.

SOPHOMORES: Busy day today.  First, I collected the Vocab sheet for Sections 1-3 and handed out a new Vocab sheet for Sections 4-9The new Vocab sheet will be due Monday, April 27.  Then, in your Notebook, under the title Worse Death, I asked you to respond to the following: Which do you feel is worse: the death of the body or the death of the soul?  Explain why. How does your answer aply to any of the people in NIGHT?  After that, we watched a video featuring Elie Wiesel, the author of NIGHT (see above). Finally, you had some time to work on the new Vocab sheet.  Please note: I will do a Notebook check this Thursday.

Friday, April 17, 2015


SENIORS: Most of you have turned in your rough drafts, so now it is time to start crafting the actual book.  If you want to start using your own supplies, bring them in on Monday.  You have two weeks to complete your book.

SOPHOMORES: Continue reading Elie Wiesel's Night. You should have the following done by Monday: Vocab Handout for Sections 1-3 (I will collect this on Monday) and the Notebook work for those same sections. I can't create a link to the handouts; so if you don't have them, see me as soon as possible.

Monday, April 13, 2015


SENIORS: Today was the due date for your rough draft of the outline with the pictures.  If you didn't turn it in, you can still do so, but for a reduction of one grade.  Start thinking about what you need in supplies to build your book.

SOPHOMORES: Depending on which period you're in, we did the following: debates, The Hangman poem, and/or the Holocaust Webquest.  Look on Friday's blog for the links to The Hangman assignment.  We will continue with the Holocaust Webquest tomorrow.

Remember to bring your ID tomorrow as you need to get a copy of Night

Friday, April 10, 2015


SENIORS: The rough draft of the outline with pictures will be due at the end of the period on Monday, April 13.  Start thinking about how you want to build your book: will you be using what I supply in class or will you be bringing in some supplies of your own?  Remember, you do not need to spend any money to create your children's picture book.  I showed examples of excellent books created from construction paper, printer paper, glue, and pencils and markers that I can supply for you.  The due date for the completed book is Friday, May 1.

SOPHOMORES: There are still some debates that need to be presented, so we will be shifting back and forth between two units: the Debate Unit and the Nature of Man Unit.  Depending on how many debates were seen today (Friday), you may or may not have seen the video titled The Hangman.  If you didn't see it today, you will see it on Monday.  Click on the image above for the video; click on this link for the questions to answer in your notebook under the title Hangman Questions.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


SENIORS: We had a guest speaker, so the new due date for your rough draft is the end of the period on Monday, April 13.

SOPHOMORES: Don't just throw facts and opinions at an audience; you need to frame what you say with words that will help the audience process what you are saying.  Click on this link for those frameworks.

Monday, April 6, 2015


SENIORS: It's important that you have a "road map" to help you organize your work.  Click on this link for the questions you should be able to answer about your children's book.  Share with me through Google Docs under the title Outline.  Next, start thinking about what is going to be on each page; what words are going to be with what illustrations?  Will you be able to draw your illustrations or use images printed from the internet?  If you're like me and can't draw to save your life, then google "clip art."  Make sure that any images you use do not have a copyright (that means the image belongs to someone and you would be breaking a law if you used that image).  If you have any question as to whether an image has a copyright, don't print it until you show it to me.  Create a rough draft of your book, using printer paper; divide the paper into 8 segments (each segment represents a page); on each segment, draw or paste the image and add the words.  This is a ROUGH DRAFT that will be due this Friday, April 10.

SOPHOMORES: Continue preparing for your debate.  At this point, you should be working on your index cards.  Click on this link for an example.  The debates will begin this Wednesday, April 8.  Everyone needs to be ready to go; I will ask for volunteers, but if I don't get any, then I will randomly call names.  If you tell that you are not ready, then you will lose one letter grade and you will still have to debate at a later time.  I will collect all of the written work you did for the debate after your debate is finished (the written work is the evidence sheets, the debate outline, and the index cards).  There will be 2 grades for this unit; one grade will be for the written work and one grade will be for the debate itself.

Friday, March 27, 2015


SENIORS: Here are some things to think about when crafting your children's book; click on this link for a list of advice.

SOPHOMORES: Index cards will help you organize your information.  Create one card for every piece of information you've gathered, including the information that you didn't put on the Debate Outline.  Click on this link for an example of what you should write on the index cards.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


SENIORS: Click on this link for one last prompt that could stimulate some ideas for your children's book.  Write your response in your notebook under the title Favorite Animal.  Then, on Google Docs, start outlining your plot (think Plot Rollercoaster from Nanowrimo).  Start thinking about how you want to illustrate your book: can you do the drawings yourself, do you need to spend time on the internet looking a clip art, do you need to cut images from magazines to make collages?

SOPHOMORES: Continue filling out the Debate Outline handout.  Work with your debate partner: look over all of the information both of you have researched and help each other choose which piece of information will work the best in what part of the debate.  Also, filling out the Debate Outline will show you if you have gaps in your argument or if your information is too much of the same type (all statistics and no quotes from an authority, or all pathos and no logos, etc.).

As for late work, I will not accept ANY late work after tomorrow. You've had enough time to check for missing work on Power School, even if you've been absent.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


SENIORS: You worked on four different prompts to help you generate story ideas.  Click on this link for the prompts; put your responses in your notebook under the title Four Prompts.

SOPHOMORES: There are a couple of handouts for you to use that will help you to organize your information for the debate.  Please see me as soon as possible and ask for the Introduction/Conclusion handout and the Debate Outline handout because you'll need to write on them.  However, you can get a look at them on the following links; that way, you'll know what to ask for when you see me.  Click on these links for the Debate Outline: Front, Back.  Click on these links for the advice on Introductions and Conclusions: Front, Back.

Monday, March 23, 2015


SENIORS: What are the characteristics of a good children's book?  One characteristic could be that it is memorable.  In your notebook, under the title Books I Read, respond to the questions on this link.  We spent some of the class period looking at a variety of children's books that I brought in from a library.  If you've been absent, perhaps you have some books or your little brother, sister, cousin, niece, or nephew have some books that you can look through; when you look through the book, answer the questions on this link.  Put the answers in your notebook under the title for each book (you need to do this for at least 8 books).

SOPHOMORES: You are working on filling out the evidence sheets for your debate.  These will be due this Wednesday.  Remember that you are not limited to finding evidence from articles on a website; look at books, TEDTalks, news programs, documentaries, or interview people who are authorities on your topic.

Friday, March 20, 2015


SENIORS: You continued sharing the childhood photos and then did some writing in your notebooks.  Under the title, Kid's Memories, respond to all of the following: Think about a time when you were a little kid.  What was important to you then?  What things did you like to do?  What were your favorite toys and games?  What did your room look like?  Did you have any nicknames?  If so, why were you called that?  What about other kids with nicknames?  What was your greatest triumph?  What was your worst catastrophe?  Try writing about different ages in your life.  What changes (if any) do you notice?

SOPHOMORES: Now that you have your topics, you need to fill out the evidence sheets.  These need to be completed no later than Wednesday.  See me if you need more evidence sheets.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


SENIORS: We started the Children's Book unit by looking at your old childhood photos, remembering what it was like to be a kid; how did you pass the time, who was present in your life, what were those special moments that stand out to you?  All these memories could be the basis for a plot, a character, or a theme.

SOPHOMORES: Now that the CAHSEE is over, we can get back into the Debate unit.  At this point, you should know who is in your group, know your topic of debate, and know your debate duties by filling out the Debate Order Chart.  If any of these things sound new to you, see me at once.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


SENIORS: Go to the library.  If you haven't presented your pitch, now would be a good time to get that together to present on Thursday.

SOPHOMORES: Good luck! Today and tomorrow, after lunch, Periods 6 and 7 will be on normal schedule; I will expect to see you in class.  

Monday, March 16, 2015


SENIORS: We continued with the TV pilot pitches and ran out of time, so we will continue  on Monday and finish on Thursday.  Tuesday and Wednesday is CAHSEE, so you'll go to the library on those days.

We'll be starting a new unit, Children's Book, on Thursday.  In order to help you with your target readers, bring a childhood photo of yourself.  Click on this link to see the expectations for the photo.

 SOPHOMORES: Click on this link and put your answers to Grammar 14 in your notebook; click on this link to put your answers to Grammar 15 in your notebook.  Then, write a summary based on the article about the 6000 calorie hamburger and share it with me on Google Docs. If you were absent and didn't received the handouts that go with this assignment, see me upon your return.

Tomorrow and Wednesday is the CAHSEE; report to your CAHSEE testing room at 7:30, and do not report to your normal 1st period class (unless, of course, that happens to be the room you have been assigned for the test).  Get a good night's sleep tonight and have a good breakfast tomorrow.  GOOD LUCK! ;)

Thursday, March 12, 2015


SENIORS: Today you began pitching your TV pilot; if you didn't pitch today, be ready to do so tomorrow.

SOPHOMORES: Put Grammar 13 in your notebook; click on this link for the exercise.  During the CAHSEE, you might be asked to write a summary, so we worked on that today and will continue with that lesson tomorrow. Ask me for the handouts upon your return to class.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


SENIORS: Today was your last day to prepare for the pitch of your TV pilot.  Everyone needs to be ready to go tomorrow. See yesterday's blog for details.

SOPHOMORES: We went over the answers to the CAHSEE Practice Test.  Homework was a handout on when to use FEWER, when to use LESS, and when to use either a semicolon or a comma. Click on this link for FEWER/LESS; click on this link for semicolon/comma.
The handout work is due first thing tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


SENIORS: You have 2 days (today and tomorrow) to finish all of your preparations for your pitch.  I am again posting the rubrics; click on this link.  Everyone must be ready to present on Thursday, March 12.  I will start with volunteers; if I run out of volunteers, I'll randomly call names.  If you tell me you're not ready, you will lose one letter grade and you will still have to present on Friday.

SOPHOMORES: We continued with the Practice CAHSEE.  We will go over the answers tomorrow.

Monday, March 9, 2015


SENIORS: Pitches are due this Thursday.  Everyone needs to be ready to go. I will start by asking for volunteers; but if volunteers are not forthcoming, I will call names randomly.  If you tell me you're not ready, you will lose one grade and you will have to present on Friday.

SOPHOMORES: We did Grammar 8; click on this link for that exercise.  Then we started taking the Practice CAHSEE, which will last through tomorrow.  Bring something to work on if you finish early.  If you are absent, you can make it up during Advisory; if you don't have me for Advisory, ask for a pass.

As you were working on the Practice CAHSEE, I did a notebook check, so make sure you bring your notebook.

Friday, March 6, 2015


SENIORS: Nothing new to say, just keep writing.  Bring your notebook on Monday for a notebook check; there are just 3 things: PERKS notes (the book), PERKS notes (the movie), and "How I Met Your Mother" notes.

SOPHOMORES:  Make sure you bring your notebook on Monday as I will be doing a notebook check.  During class today, you had some practice time with CAHSEE readings, putting your answers in your notebook.  If you were absent, see me about the readings.  You also did Grammar 6; click on this link for that work.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


SENIORS: Continue with your work on your TV pilot.  The script must be complete by Wednesday, March 11.  Pitches begin on Thursday, March 12.

SOPHOMORES: Click on this link for Grammar 4 and put your answers in your notebook under the title Grammar 4.

There is some confusion as to the difference between ITS and IT'S.  You'll need to remember that ITS is the possessive form and IT'S=IT IS.
      Example: It's up to you.  (It is up to you.)
                      I knew what model car it was, but I wasn't sure about its color.  (its=the color 
                      belonging to the car)
If you're not sure whether to use ITS or IT'S, try saying the sentence with IT IS.  If the sentence makes sense, use IT'S; if it doesn't make sense, use ITS.

The CAHSEE might ask you to write a formal letter.  There is a certain format for that type of writing.  Click on this link to see what that format looks like; then, in long-hand, write a formal letter to Mr. Becker about cleaning up the trash on school grounds.  Click on this link for the prompt to that letter.  This assignment serves two purposes: 1) You get experience writing a formal letter and learning its format, and 2) I can see if your handwriting is legible enough for the CAHSEE, giving you time to improve your handwriting if I can't read it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


SENIORS: There is one week left before you will be "pitching" your TV pilot to media industry moguls (aka your classmates).  Many of you are behind; don't rely on just doing the work in class--you need to start communicating and writing with each other as homework.

SOPHOMORES: One of the things you will be asked to do for the CAHSEE is to write an essay, but we don't know what TYPE of essay will be on the prompt.  In order to prepare you for any essay genre, we are taking the time to front-load your brain with information.  Yesterday, you researched a person you studied in school and used that information to fill out a chart; now, if you're asked to write an essay about an historical person, you will have something to say.  Today, you researched an historical event, creating an outline of information that you could use if the CAHSEE prompt asks for that genre of essay.  I will collect the research for both essays first thing tomorrow.

Also, we've been doing some quick grammar exercises.  Due to tech problems, I haven't been able to get those exercises on my blog until now.  So far, we've done three; so in your notebook, under the titles Grammar 1, Grammar 2, and Grammar 3, write the answers from the following links: Grammar 1, Grammar 2, Grammar 3.

Monday, March 2, 2015


SENIORS: If you're choosing to to pitch your TV with a storyboard, look at this demonstration.  Keep in mind that you are watching professionals and that they are breaking down one scene (not the entire show).

SOPHOMORES: The CAHSEE is going to be held on March 17 and 18; so we need to set aside the debate unit and concentrate on getting you ready to pass the CAHSEE.  We will return to the debate unit when the test is over.  In your notebook, under the title CAHSEE Power Point Notes, write down the useful information from this power point. We also did some practice CAHSEE grammar exercises; those will appear on my blog starting tomorrow.

Friday, February 27, 2015


SENIORS: I've noticed that some of you are still having some problems writing your screenplay; so yesterday, we watched a video on how storyboards are used to help write a story.  Watch the video above if you still need help with the actual writing.

Some of you have expressed concern that you can't draw.  Watch this video (above) to allay those fears.

Lastly, I went over the rubrics for both the TV show script and the pitch.  Click on this link to see what you have to do.

SOPHOMORES: First, I returned the I Have a Dream annotations, giving you the weekend to make corrections. Unless you were absent today (Friday, Feb.27) I will accept redone work on Dr. King's speech on Monday, March 2. If you were absent today (Friday), speak to me about a new due date when you return to class; if you were present on Friday and forgot to bring the work on Monday, then you'll have to accept the original grade.

The next thing we did was to form debate groups; each group being made up of four students.  Some groups were able to come to an agreement as to their topic for debate and started their research, to be continued later.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


ALL CLASSES: Due to the internet being down for the past few days throughout the district, I was not able to write on my blog.  This blog entry will give you an overview of what has happened.

SENIORS: You've been working on your TV pilot, which needs to be completed (all 22 pages of it) by Wednesday, March 11.  Ideally, you should be done sooner as you'll want to prepare your pitch, which will take place on Thursday March 12 or Friday, March 13.

SOPHOMORES: We watched The Great Debaters, looking for the techniques that effective debaters use to win their side of the argument.  We also spent some time with the school counselors and CalSoap, planning schedules for next year and getting information on how to have successful Junior and Senior years.

Friday, February 20, 2015


SENIORS: Your finished pilot is due on Wed., March 11; ideally, should be done sooner than that because your group will need to prepare to pitch your pilot to the rest of the class on either March 12 or 13.  You have a choice as to how you want to present your pitch. You can: 1) Act out a scene with one member of your group explaining the long-run possibilities of your show, or 2) Create a storyboard and, again, explaining why your show will be a long-running hit.

SOPHOMORES: Yesterday we focused on words, first with a review of debate terms and then expanding vocabulary with an assignment called Shades of Meaning.  See me and ask about the instructions for that particular assignment as you will need some special supplies that I can give you.

Today we started viewing the movie The Great Debaters.  You will need to have the handout from Wednesday in front of you as you view the movie.  The handout has questions that you will need to answer in your notebook. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


SENIORS: We watched a short video (see above) in which a panel of writers discussed the differences between comedy and drama, followed by class time to work on your TV script.

SOPHOMORES: You had some class time to finish annotating the I Have a Dream speech and to turn it in.  Then I passed out a handout to prepare for The Great Debaters movie that we will be watching.  See me and ask for that handout.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


SENIORS: For inspiration, we watched a short segment of the writers from Breaking Bad discussing their process when writing as a team.  Remember to structure your 22 minute TV pilot into 4 segments with the first and last segments being the longest.

SOPHOMORES: We continued annotating Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech.  You should already have annotations for Logos, Pathos, Ethos, Inclusion, and Allusion.  Today we focused on Metaphor, Simile, Repetition, and Text Structure.  A side note about Allusion: we discovered the allusion to Shakespeare's Richard III in class, so you will have to find a different allusion on your own.  This should not be too difficult; remember what Dr. King did for a living and you should find many allusions.  The annotation work needs to be completed by this Wednesday at the end of the period.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


SENIORS: When you write a novel, you have the freedom of writing as much as you want when describing characters so readers will have a clear picture in their minds as to how characters look, act, speak, and think.  TV writers have no such luxury; they have to establish clear, compelling characters in the very first episode.  To do that, writers (meaning you) have to understand the personalities of their characters and be able to describe them with a few adjectives.  We did that yesterday with the characters from How I Met Your Mother.  Today, I want you to do the same thing with the characters from your show.  Make a list of your main characters (give them names), and under each name, list a few adjectives that would describe them.  By doing this, you will now have an idea of how your characters will speak (so you can create their dialogue) and the kinds of things your characters will do.  Share your list with me.

SOPHOMORES:  We reviewed metaphor, simile, and allusion; then we began annotating the I Have a Dream speech for Logos, Pathos, Ethos, Inclusion, and Allusion.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


SENIORS: We watched the pilot episode of How I Met Your Mother, looking at how a TV episode is structured and what information is given in a pilot.  I cannot create a link for that, but you can find it on Netflix.

SOPHOMORES: We finished with the word categories and watched a video of Dr. King giving his famous I Have a Dream speech.  See me for a transcript because we will be annotating it.  You can find his speech on YouTube.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


SENIORS: Work continued on the TV script pilot.  Make sure you share your email addresses with the other members of your group so that you can work on the script outside of class.

SOPHOMORES: Sometimes you can figure out the meaning of a word if you look at the context surrounding the word and if you know something about the person who is using the word.  Yesterday, we learned a lot about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; today, we're going to apply that knowledge to figure out word meanings.  First, click on this link for the words; then, make lists (or groupings) of the words, based on what you know about Dr. King.  For example, Dr. King was a preacher; look over all the words that have a religious connection, then list them under the title RELIGIOUS.  There could be words that could be put in more than one category; there could be words that don't connect directly with Dr. King, but could go together in some other category.  The key concept is to see relationships and connections between words.  Put all of your work in your notebook under the title MLK Word Categories. 

Monday, February 9, 2015


SENIORS: You worked in your script groups, solidifying your ideas for your TV pilot script. Remember, it needs to follow these guidelines: 22 minutes long, family-friendly, correctly formatted.

SOPHOMORES: We'll be annotating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have a Dream speech.  In order to understand what's going on in the speech, we need to understand the man who made it.  In your notebook, under the title MLK List, write down everything you know (or think you know).  Then do some research and find at least 5 things about Dr. King that you didn't know and add those things to your list.

Friday, February 6, 2015


SENIORS: I outlined what is going to be required to complete the rest of the unit: Your team will write a half-hour TV pilot episode.  It must be 22 minutes long, be family-friendly, and formatted correctly by following the Understand a Screenplay packet.  For some extra examples of pilot episodes, log on the Simplyscripts website; although there are many to choose from, focus on the How I Met Your Mother pilot and see how it is formatted.

Also, teams started to formulate the idea for their pilot episodes.  A good idea will answer the following: WHO    WANTED    BUT   SO.

SOPHOMORES: Today's focus was on credibility of sources. Click on this link for the handout and follow the directions printed there.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


ALL CLASSES: There was no blog yesterday because I was absent, and I wanted to wait to see what happened with the substitute before outlining any instructions. 

SENIORS: Apparently, the sub had a problem getting the Netbook Cart unlocked, so continue with your adaptation of either 1. A page from your Nano book, 2. A page from your Independent Reading Book, or 3. Any fairy tale you can think of.

So for this week you should have shared with me two assignments:
1. Shared with me under the title Format the Script, take the unformatted script from Toy Story and write it as a formatted script (it's on the last page of your Understand a Screenplay packet).
2. Shared with me under the title Adaptation, the formatted page from either your Nano book, IRB, or a fairy tale.

SOPHOMORES: See me for three handouts.  The first handout is titled Under the Influence of Music; on it you will work on argument, counter argument, and types of evidence.  The second handout is titled Connotation-Denotation Practice; on it you will work on the meanings of words.  The third handout is titled Mood Paragraph; on it you will rewrite a paragraph to create a mood of your choice.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


SENIORS: We went through the Understand a Screenplay packet, looking at the examples of what a screenplay should look like.  Then, on the Format the Script page, there is an assignment asking you to take the unformatted script and put it into the correct formatted form.  Share your work with me through GoogleDocs.

SOPHOMORES: The counselors came to the room and went through the process for articulation (choosing your classes for next year).  See me if you need the Course Selection Card.

Monday, February 2, 2015


SENIORS: If you were absent, see me ASAP for your copy of the Screenplay Packet.  Also, return your copy of The Perks of Being a Wallflower to the library.

SOPHOMORES: We watched Bob Costas give his opinion about the Washington Redskins team name.  You can find the video on YouTube.  Click on this link for the transcript of the video.  Annotate the transcript, then fill out the handout on this link. The last thing to do is, in your notebook, answer the following:
1. What is his claim?
2. What reason does he give to support his claim?
3. What evidence does he give to support that reason?

Friday, January 30, 2015


SENIORS: We finished viewing The Perks of Being a Wallflower and then discussed the differences between the book and movie.  Make sure you bring your copies of the book on Monday so we can return them to the library.

SOPHOMORES: There can be some confusion as to what is meant by the terms CLAIM, REASON, and EVIDENCE; they are not synonymous.  Put the following definitions in your notebook, under the title Claim, Reason, Evidence:
         Claim: The thesis or the argument.
         Reason: The support for the claim.
         Evidence: The support for the reason. 

Underneath these terms, create the title Jeremy Irons and find an example of each from yesterday's transcript.  Your work should look like this:
                                                           Jeremy Irons

Also, we finished the handouts from yesterday: the Anticipation Guide and the chart work.  These handouts were turned in at the end of the period.

Tuesday, Feb. 3, is Articulation!  That means you will get a presentation from the counselors about your class choices for next year. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015


SENIORS: We are continuing with the video version of The Perks of Being a Wallflower; it will conclude tomorrow.  Be ready with some ideas to share about the differences between the book and the movie.

SOPHOMORES: We started off with a review of Logos, Pathos, and Ethos; ask for the handout upon your return.  Then we continued by studying Jeremy Irons' argument on the death penalty.  Click on this link to start an anticipation guide on the death penalty topic; read each statement and circle your opinion on the left (that's the Before; you'll circle the choices on the right when we're done with the topic).  This was followed by watching the video of Jeremy Irons presenting his case. The video is above this paragraph. There is a transcript on this link so you can follow along as he speaks.  As you listen, mark up the transcript for logos, pathos, and ethos; also, listen to his tone of voice and inflections for emphasis.  Click on this link for a chart to fill out and some questions to answer.  Finally, go back to the anticipation guide and circle your choices listed on the right (the After).  Don't forget to turn in your work to me as soon as you finish.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


ALL CLASSES: Everyone had a book review due today.  If you were absent, click here for the directions and share your review with me on Google Docs.  Make sure you title it Period # Last name First name, Book Review #3 (Ex: 1 Gardham Jennifer, Book Review #3).

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

PERKS VIDEO/Argument Terms, Argument or Not?

SENIORS: We started the video of Perks of Being a Wallflower.  Click on this link for the questions you should be answering in your notebook as we watch.  Focus on the questions under the PERKS the Movie section.

SOPHOMORES: We worked on a couple of assignments concerning what makes an argument; these assignments were on handouts. Click on this link for the assignment on Argument Unit Terms.  When you've completed that, log into http://philosophy.hku.hk/think/arg/arg.php.  Read the information; the assignment starts when you get to the part that asks,"Do these passages contain arguments?" Read each passage, make up your mind, then find out if you were correct.  See me ASAP for the handout on Argument v Persuasion.

Monday, January 26, 2015


SENIORS: We worked on the 2nd part of the Agree-Disagree handout (you filled out the first part before we started reading the book).  Also, in your notebook under the title "PERKS" the Book, answer the questions on this link.  Just focus on the book questions.

SOPHOMORES: We started our new unit, Argument and Debate.  In your notebook, under the title Argument v Debate Power Point, click on this link to watch the power point and take notes on each slide.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


SENIORS: We finished presentations.  If you have anything to turn in, I must have it by this Friday, Jan.23.  For hard copy work, if you can't find me, have someone in the main office put your work in my mail box. Otherwise, share it with me on Google Docs.

SOPHOMORES: We're in finals for the fall semester.  If you have anything to turn in, I must have it by this Friday, Jan.23.  For hard copy work, if you can't find me, have someone in the main office put your work in my mail box.  Otherwise, share it with me on Google Docs.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015


SENIORS: Presentations of your final project began today and will conclude tomorrow.  If you didn't present today, be ready to go tomorrow.  I'll start with volunteers; when I run out of volunteers, I'll call names.  If I call your name and you tell me that you are not ready, you will lose one letter grade on the final; however, you will still have to present.

SOPHOMORES: We reviewed the difference between connotation and denotation. Read over the information on this link; then, in your notebook, under the title Connotation v Denotation, do the following:
1. Choose ONE of these sentences:
     Grandpa is thrifty.
     He has good self-esteem.
     She's very strong-willed.
     He's an eager leader.
     She was tall and slender.
2. Focus on the word written in italics.
3. Write TWO short paragraphs, each beginning with the sentence you chose.
     The first paragraph will give off the feeling that the word in italics is positive; 
      the second paragraph will give off the feeling the word is negative.

For example: Grandpa is thrifty. First paragraph demonstrates how Grandpa's thriftiness is a good thing; the second paragraph demonstrates how Grandpa's thriftiness is a bad thing.

Friday, January 16, 2015


SENIORS: I spoke with each of you individually to make sure you knew what you were doing for the final presentation and to make sure that your presentation will be appropriate for the class.  Everyone needs to be ready to present on Tuesday, Jan.20.  I'll start with volunteers, but if I run out of volunteers, I'll call names at random.  If you tell me that you are not ready, you will lose one letter grade on the assignment AND you will still have to present before finals for Period One are over.

SOPHOMORES: You got class time to work on annotating President Obama's speech to the NAACP.  It will be due first thing on Tuesday, Jan.20.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


SENIORS: Click on this link for the Jan.15 response choices. You should be finished reading the book (or very, very, very close to it).  Talk to me about your plans for your final project: I want no surprises.

SOPHOMORES: We watched a speech given by President Obama to the NAACP.  Due to technical difficulties, I can't connect the video of the speech.  You can find it easily on YouTube: type in President Obama's speech to the NAACP, and it will come up.  See me ASAP for a hard copy of the speech so that you can annotate it.

Also, I went over what will be covered on the semester final.  Click on this link for the list.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

PERKS Response for Jan.14/Answers

SENIORS: Click on this link for the choices to the Perks of Being a Wallflower response.  I'm noticing that some of you are not keeping up with the (almost daily) responses; make the extra effort to keep up with the assignments.  The end of the semester is upon us, and now is not the time to fall behind.

SOPHOMORES: We went over the answers to the Figurative Language Exercise and we went over the responses you had to the Ronald Reagan speech.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

PERKS Responses for Jan.12 & 13/Susan B. Anthony & Ronald Reagan Speeches

My apologies for no blog yesterday; a friend of mine had a baby! Not an excuse, just a reason. This blog will have both yesterday's and today's work on it.

SENIORS: Click on this link for yesterday's Response choices; click on this link for today's Response choices.  Also, you have one week from today to have your final project ready for presentation.  I have spoken with some of you about what you plan to do, but many of you still seem to not know what direction you are going to go.  Look on the Jan. 6 blog for the final project options and then speak with me during class about your plans.

SOPHOMORES: For the following assignments, you will need your copy of the handout "What to Look for when Analyzing a Speech"; click on this link if you can't find your copy. Yesterday we analyzed a Susan B. Anthony speech about the right for women to vote. Click on this link for a copy of that speech and print out your own copy. Annotate that speech, using the questions from the "Analyzing a Speech" handout.  Write all of your annotations on the Anthony speech and turn it in to me.

Today we did the same type of annotations on a President Ronald Reagan speech about the Challenger disaster.  Click on this link for a copy of the speech.  Follow the same directions for the Anthony speech and turn your work in to me. I recommend that you watch the speech as well; there is a copy on YouTube; search for Ronald Reagan Challenger Speech.

Friday, January 9, 2015


SENIORS: Besides having some time to read, you also got into groups of four to discuss the first five questions that appear at the back of "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" (p. 214).  The ideas generated by the groups were then turned into a whole-class discussion.  One question that was focused on particularly was the stylistic writing choice Chobosky made on p.17.

Also, by now you should have an idea as to what you are going to do for the final project (due Jan.20).

SOPHOMORES: We analyzed a monologue from Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar,  using the handout What to Look for when Analyzing a Speech. There was nothing to turn in for that assignment as you worked on it in groups but discussed it as a class.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


SENIORS: Click on this link for today's "response" choices.  Also, I showed some examples of student work for the final project, both good and not so good.  Remember, everyone needs to be ready to present their project on Jan. 20-- I'll start with volunteers, but if I run out of volunteers, I'll randomly call names.  If I call your name and you tell me you are not ready, you will lose one grade on the final assignment.

SOPHOMORES:  The focus today was on figurative language.  Click on this link for the terms to review, define, and find an example for.  Share the work with me on Google Docs.  When you're finished with that, click on this link for the homework assignment; print it out and turn it in.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


SENIORS: Click on this link for today's response to Perks.  Please continue to read the book; you want to try to finish 30 pages a day.  This will allow you to complete the novel with two class periods to spare, giving you those two class periods to work on your final project.

SOPHOMORES: The mini-unit on Speech, which we began today, will help to prepare you for the Argument and Debate unit that will start off the second semester.  We went over a list of questions for you to use when analyzing a speech; these questions will also come into play when you will be preparing for your debate next semester.  Click on this link for the questions.

Speech and debate writers use many techniques in order to be effective.  One of those techniques is parallel structure (it helps to create a memorable rhythm), and we did an exercise to demonstrate that technique.  Click on this link for that exercise.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


SENIORS: First, there is an anticipatory handout for Perks called Agree-Disagree.  See me ASAP for your copy to fill out.  Next, check your email for a short-response writing assignment that you will add to almost every day for the rest of this semester (you will need to check this blog for the almost-daily prompts). Click on this link for today's prompt.  Then, I went over the choices for the final project connected with the book, due on Jan. 20.  Click on this link for that information.  Finally, make sure you're reading at least 30 pages a day to keep up with finishing the book by Jan. 14.  This will give you two class periods to work on your final project.

SOPHOMORES: We had our Socratic Seminar based on 12 Angry Men.  This will conclude the Drama unit.  Tomorrow we will begin a Speech unit.

Monday, January 5, 2015

New Unit/Socratic Prep


SENIORS: We went to the library and got copies of The Perks of Being a Wallflower.  If you didn't get your copy, get one ASAP or you're going to fall behind; we need to move quickly through this novel as there are only 12 class days before finals.

SOPHOMORES: We're going to have a Socratic Seminar on 12 Angry Men tomorrow, so today we need to prepare for that.  I want everyone to have the chance to say something, so you worked on some review questions that could come up during the seminar.  Click on this link for the questions and share your responses with me through Googledocs.  Remember to title your work correctly: Period #, Last Name First Name, Assignment  (Example: 1, Jones Rupert, Socratic Questions)